Name:- Brom Shatter-Shield
Demeanour:- Caregiver; He tends to look
out for those around him above himself, life and war has yet to jade
his outlook on the larger world. Like the rest of his family though
he can be impulsive and prone to action before thought.
Age:- 19.
Gender:- Male.
Birth date:- 2E 562 Mid Year 25th.
Birth sign:- The Ritual.
Place of birth:- Whiterun Hold in his
clan home on its northern boarders.
Race:- Nord.
Alliance:- Ebonheart Pact.
Current Profession:- Clan Justiciar.
Physical Descriptions.
Hair:- Long and loose jet black it has
a braid that goes from the crown down the centre of the head that has
coloured wooden beads placed along its length.
Eye colour:- Green (from his mother
side unlike his brother who has blue eyes.)
Skin Colour:- Tanned white.
Body build:- Athletic and wiry muscles.
Type of clothing worn:- When travelling
he often wears his nord styled armour, at home he wears various
coloured woollen and fur garments to keep out the cold.
Facial/Body markings:- Clean shaven no
scars due to his age and not being in many battles or fights.
Likes:- Adventure, Magic, Renown.
Dislikes:- Daedra worshipers,
Politics, Dishonesty.
Combat abilities:- He has been trained
in the use of sword and shield, but after his adventures with Delte
and his fight against his father decided to train in the use of dual
wield skills. This style played well into his build and speed in
combat. He was taught rudimentary magical skills and can call upon
this to help his friends in battle with healing winds and spell
For most of his childhood he lived in
the shadows of his elder brothers Kym and Volk. He idolised them both
and longed to be able to go on patrol with them both. His father
though had other plans in mind for Brom. At the age of ten he was
sent to the college of Winterhold to learn the ways of magicka. Brom
stayed for just over a year and then one night sneaked out and
returned home. When he arrived home he told his father he wanted to
be a warrior and not a milk drinking mage. Amused at this Ulfbert
started to teach the young Brom how to fight with sword and shield.
Brom took the rudimentary skills he had learned with the mages and
mixed them in with his melee skills.
When Volk left for his three years
service Brom stepped up and took over his brothers role within the
clan as Justiciar.